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    Crises continue to weigh on production of recreational vehicles

    New registration figures for motor caravans and caravans fell again in July. Due to supply chain problems and pandemic-related staff shortages, the production and delivery of numerous new vehicles has been delayed in the year to date. A total of 64,704 new leisure vehicles had been registered by the end of July. This is below the industry’s 2020 and 2021 figures, but still tops pre-Corona levels.

    Caravan below previous year’s level

    New caravan registrations for the January to July period were down 3.1 percent compared to the same period last year. A large part of this was due to the drop in registrations in July, when 2,797 caravans were registered, a decline of 18.8 percent.


    Motor caravans continue to lack chassis

    New registrations for motor caravans fell by 22.7 percent in July compared to the previous year. A total of 47,690 new vehicles were registered in the first seven months. This means the sector missed the record figures of the past two years, but is still well above the figures from 2019. Despite the increased brand diversity in base vehicles, the sector continues to lack vehicle chassis.


    Newly registered leisure vehicles in Germany



    Source: www.civd.de