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    Caravanning trend continues

    Since the Corona “lockdown”, the demand for caravans and motor caravans has only one direction: upwards. In August, 10,246 leisure vehicles were newly registered. This is an outstanding 58.8 percent more than in August 2019. 80,797 vehicles have been newly registered since the beginning of the year – around 20 percent more than at the same time last year. Furthermore, this means that as many leisure vehicles have already been newly registered at this point as in the entire record year of 2019.

    New caravan registrations have made up for the Corona gap

    New registrations of caravans grew last month by a very strong 46.5 percent to 2,704 units. This means that the “corona drop” has finally been overcome for caravans as well: New registrations for the year as a whole are positive for the first time since the “lockdown” in spring. 22,685 newly registered vehicles since January represent an increase of 2.3 percent.


    Registrations of motor caravans unstoppable in chasing records

    In the motor caravan sector, the rally continues unstoppably. New registrations in August topped the figure from the same month last year by a whopping 63.7 percent. 7,542 vehicles are a new record for the month of August. A total of 58,112 motor caravans were newly registered in the first eight months of the year – 27.8 percent more than in the same period in 2019. Needless to say that this is a new record result.


    Newly registered leisure vehicles in Germany


    Source: CIVD evaluation of figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)