
Home > Press Releases > All in CARAVANING 2012 Successfully Debuted to Enlighten the Promising Caravaning and Camping Industry in China

All in CARAVANING 2012 Successfully Debuted to Enlighten the Promising Caravaning and Camping Industry in China

ATC Show 2012, consisting of the duo-All in CARAVANING 2012 and All in TUNING 2012, accomplished its debut in Beijing at National Agriculture Exhibition Center on Aug 12th 2012 with great success. Jointly organized by Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd and YASN International Exhibition Co., Ltd, the trade fair attracted 242 exhibitors of various tuning, caravanning brands and campsite management companies from home and abroad, showcasing the tuned cars, caravans and accessories on 20.000 square metres exhibition space in new hall and open grounds. 10,241 visitors and car enthusiasts visited this festival. Over 100 trade and mass media registered to report the event. A wide range of concurrent events, such as forums, conferences and games provided the exhibitors and visitors an interactive and relaxed atmosphere during the show. 

RV Festival to Enable the Visitor Know More about the Brand New Leisure Style
Industrial players from home and abroad showcased caravans and mobile homes, accessories, extension components, tents, mobile homes and travel destinations in the event. RVs in outdoor exhibiting area under trees and shelters even provided a direct experience for the visitors to enjoy the free lifestyle of caravanning and camping. Exhibitors like RV International earned onsite orders for its post-modernism-styled Hobby Premium. Visitors were also gathering in front of the booths of CTS asset, Zoemo, CRVC, the Great Wall RV, Chuntian RV, Dalian Junqi RV, Dalian Hehe RV and RACCC, eager to have a glimpse of their elegant and well-designed caravans. Some visitors were quite surprised at the low cost of RVs comparing to the housing cost in China, joking that ‘RV is perhaps a better choice over houses and cars because you got the whole package for only hundreds or even tens of thousands RMB’. Coincidentally, lvshedesign.com held a kick-off ceremony for its “Jike (Container-RVer) ·Micro Utopia”, who is to have a trip to Shangri-La by caravans tuned from containers. lvshedesign.com unveiled their “Jike Container RV” on the stage, receiving active response from the visitors.

The hot and lively on-site atmosphere proved the nascent RV industry in China. The target group of RV customers has expanded from the few caravan-manias to the general public. The industry also witnessed big strides in infrastructure development and the overall quality level of the industry employees. Industry players from America and Europe showed great interests in participating in RV market in China. Mr. Hermann Pfaff, board member of HYMER AG who is the largest RV manufacturer in Europe, said: “HYMER always attaches importance to the international business. China is definitely a key market for us. We are looking for partners here, and also exploring the suitable co-operation model in the local market.” Mr. Kazuhiro Akase, Secretary General of FICC Asia-Pacific Commission also gave a high score to RV market potential in China: ”China’s RV and campsite industry started on a better infrastructure: the vast land, huge population and stable economic growth in China; the development speed in China will double than that in Japan.’

High Level Trade Forum to Share Global Insights and Experience
The concurrent All in CARAVANING Annual Conference 2012 received positive response from the participants and media. Over 20 RV and camping industry experts from the globe were invited to present their experience, insight and best practice and provide constructive advices for the future of RV and camping industry in China.

Mr. Song Yu, Deputy Executive Director of the Beijing Municipal Tourism Committee, said that the Committee has attached high importance to such new trends in tourism like RV and autocamping. In the next Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) for Tourism industry, it has been pinpointed that caravan and campsite development will be the stimulated segments. It is estimated that by 2015, tourism industry will take a great leap forward, with an overall 3.3 billion tourists and a 10%-annual-growth-rate. 50 to 60 million private cars will be used for holiday and tourism, creating huge opportunities for the development of motels, campsites, RVs and other infrastructures.

Mr. An Qingheng, Honorary Director of China’s Association of Automobile Manufacturers RV Committee said, “there are currently over 50 domestic RV manufacturers, 45 of which have been listed in “public announcement”. Companies in RV industry have begun global communication and cooperation, so it’s the right time to establish the association branch for RV. Under this circumstance, CAAM Recreational Vehicle (RV) Committee was born upon the joint efforts of multiple institutions. Led by CAAM, the committee will make an effort to stimulate China RV development, partnering with local tourism associations, camping associates and the media to build on the momentum. Mr. Liu Weiyi, Vice Chairman of China Tourism Automobile & Cruise Association and President of CRVC Camping Development Company gave a clear and thorough analysis of China’s RV and auto camping industry. He pinpointed the great potential with the favorable policies issued by National Tourism Bureau, but also reminded that there will be long way to go ahead. Mr. Wang Dongping, General Manager of China CTS Asset Management Corporation, with other business representatives highlighted the priorities at this stage, including industrial integration, promotion campaigns, and investment for campsite construction. The industry itself also urged to make their voice heard in the community. All the speakers and attendees were highly engaged in the discussion, contributing ideas for future development of the industry.

Mr. Joe Laing, Deputy Secretary General of California Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds, Mr. Robert Mackinnon, former Chairman of National School of RV Park and Campground Management (USA), Mr. Ilya Kuntsevich, Executive Director of RCV America, and Mr. Chang Kyung-woo, Chairman of Korean Camping & Caravaning Federation, also gave insightful remarks in the conference, sharing progress in their own countries and experiences. Representatives of RV manufacturers, dealers, clubs and media also joined the discussion about China's RV and autocamping industry, contributing ideas on overcoming bottlenecks and achieving rapid industry growth.

2012 China Caravan Figure Award Ceremony added an encouraging end to the Forum. Mr. Hans Werner Reinhard, Deputy Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and Mr. Axel Bartkus, General Manager of Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. awarded the trophies to the final two winners: “Don’t Turn” global RV travelling team and the enthusiastic Grandpa Mr. Zhang Zhiwu. The 2012 China Caravan Figure campaign is aiming to promote the RV travelling culture to the public with encouraging stories from RV travelling masters. The final winners are sponsored by the organizers to visit CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF 2012, the world’s leading recreational vehicle industry trade show on Aug 24, 2012.

As the first professional caravaning exhibition in China, All in CARAVANING 2012 was well-received among exhibitors like CTS Asset, CRVC, Xinshang Yawei, Zoemo, Longyuan Riding Club, Beijing International Camping Park and RACCC all expressed their satisfactory to the event and are looking forward to next year's show.

Mr. Hans Werner Reinhard, Deputy Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and Chairman of Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd., summarized: “With the first “All in Caravaning Annual Conference” and the first All in CARAVANING show, Messe Düsseldorf has expanded its activities in the Chinese market. I’m very happy that our company has been part of this début. I’m sure that both the conference and the show have benefitted greatly from Messe Düsseldorf’s wide-ranging knowledge and experience with the international caravaning industry. We, as the organizers of the number one trade fair for camper vans and caravans, the CARAVAN SALON INTERNATIONAL DÜSSELDORF, will do our utmost to promote our common Chinese activities to the benefit of our exhibitors, visitors and partners.”

The next ATC Show will be held in China National Convention Center in Beijing from June 15th to 17th 2013.

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